Donate to the Squad Builder and Fighting Funds

Information for those wishing to make donations.

Following our Supporters meeting on the 6th Jan 2024 (HERE) where it was agreed that the Trust would set up a Squad Builder Fund and an Fighting Fund which we now have and to  facilitate donations, we have now set up some additional methods along with our usual channels to make it easy to donate to the funds.

The links below take you to the relevant sections, all of which are collectively under the tab on the Trust website called “Donations to Squad Builder and Fighting Fund”

We appreciate that supporters may have a preference to which fund they want to contribute to and we have explained that in each section. Where we get donations without any indication which fund it is we will credit the Squad Builder..

We will be adding an explanation and guide regarding “Easy Fundraising to the donation tab on the web site over weekend but in the meantime, donations can be made using the links below, all are on the Trust website and will remain live. Any additional methods or changes will be announced through the web site.

All funds will remain in the Trust accounts until required.

Finally, fund running totals, we hope eventually get some form of visual indicator on the website but we will be adding a tab on the menu which is “Fund Updates” in which we will post the totals up to a given date, we will do this weekly.

If you have any queries or questions on donating or on the funds themselves then please contact the Trust or speak to any member of the Trust board

To set up a Bank Transfer/Standing Order click HERE

To make Card Donations (either in person or on line) click HERE

To make a Cash Donation click HERE

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