Trust AGM

The Trust AGM is planned for Thursday 3rd December 2020 commencing at 8pm. Due to the current Covid restrictions, it will require to be conducted virtually, utilising Zoom. The meeting can only take place when the combination of Members participating in person on the evening through Zoom, or by proxy votes having been received, represents the quorum required.

To ensure that the meeting can go ahead, may we please request that you email the Trust at by Friday 27th November 2020 5pm, confirming your availability to participate on the evening. Alternatively, you may wish, as many members have for previous AGM’s, to tender a completed and signed proxy vote, details of which are attached, for the Chair to utilise on your behalf relating to any item requiring Members’ agreement.

Once we have received replies to these two options by the above date, we should be in a position to confirm that the meeting can take place, and a link for logging onto Zoom to be forwarded to those Members deciding to participate.

This notification was sent to all adult Trust members last week but we are aware that a number of members have reported that they did not receive the email. The invites will be sent out after 27th November.