Trust Welfare Officer. A team to support our members during the good and the bad times.

Trust members support for the good times and not so good..........


Welfare Officer: One of our other new initiatives, which is being launched in November , is our new Welfare Officer and her team.

The trust has long been concerned that we are not always able to be “there” for members who may be at a place in their lives where things just are not right, and at times may feel alone and conversely we may not be there when the good news flows to which may need celebrating.

Whilst we have no magic panacea for this, we feel we need to be “available” to our membership at those darker times. Our team is led by a skilled counsellor and has available from within the board additional clinical support. Whilst we are not offering a counselling service , what we are prepared to do is listen, be that person who actually hears, and that is often the first step in someone making progress and feeling better. together we can sign post to agencies or just other members who may be able to help.

To make this work, we need the memberships help in informing us, when considered appropriate, of a fellow member’s needs. Sometimes just a chat or an email can help, especially at those times like bereavement and loss.Any correspondance to us is treated in strictest confidentiality.

But our welfare team are also concerned with the happy times and want to know about those special birthdays in people’s lives, even more about the births of new Daley’s, our future supporter voice. We will bring more on this in the next few weeks, but one thing we want to stress to members is that any welfare item is treated with full confidentiality, this section of the trust work is in confidence from the general board, so unless we feel some one is is in harms way, it stays with us.

We will bring you more on this subject with the email numbers to use in the near future, like all our trust initiatives we welcome feed back and comments and criticisms can be emailed to at any time.