Trust Week – Plans for 2014 / 15

The 2014-5 season the eleventh year of the Trust and with that in mind, we hope to make the Trust bigger and better than ever before by increasing our membership and fundraising to record levels.

We are looking to increase our dialogue with members, fans and the club; we are looking to make closer ties with the club to allow members and fans to communicate potential ideas with the club and vice versa.

We will continue to act on behalf of supporters with the already excellent relations that we have with the club, and we intend to build on our relations with both the FITC and the Supporters Football Team.

We’ve already made great strides to improve communication with our members through our online work with the website, facebook and twitter, and our regular e-newsletters ensure that members are always fully up to speed with what’s been done, is being done and will be getting done. Furthermore, as part of our events, we will be hosting consultation evenings where we actively seek out the thoughts and opinions of our members.

Not only that, we’ll be continuing all the existing work we’ve been doing with plenty more to follow as well as we strive to make the Dale Trust the most open and accountable Supporters Trust in existence.

Trust Events 2013-14

Membership Launch
Various and regular consultation evenings
Fans Forum
5 a side Competition
Fund raising walk to a match day ground.
Relay Team in Manchester Marathon
Fifa Night
Trust Xmas Party
Exiles Day
Curry Night
Supporting Springhill Hospice events
Quiz Night
End of Season Awards Evening

Click here to join the Trust 2013-4 online